August 1, 2023
New Update

Release v4.0.21

Here's a summary of what has changed....


Nothing new

Product Type

You can now set product type for each product which will help with our new fulfilment (below) and also remove stock counts for non-inventory items. The categories are as follows:

Inventory - Any physical product. Stock WILL be adjusted when making sales.

Non-Inventory - Any non-physical product (fees, charges, express delivery etc). Stock WILL NOT be tracked.

Service - Any service offering (alterations, VIP room etc). Stock WILL NOT be tracked.

Multi-Store Level Products

For our customers with multiple stores, you can now choose which products show in which stores if you sell different products in each location. Just head to Products -> Add/Edit and on the Details tab, it will have an option to allocate them to stores. If you sell the same product but have different prices (maybe you discount it when you sell it in a different store), you can leave the store filter for 'All Stores', and adjust the Store Stock Info described below.

Multi-Store Stock Info

Similar to the above, if you have mulitple stores, you can now allocate the stock count / sale price for each location. Then when you make a sale, it will default to pulling from the stock of the current store, or allow you to sell from another locations stock.

Multi-Store Appointment Types & Groups

You can now allocate Appointment types and Appointment groups to individual stores if they differ between locations. Just head to Settings -> Defaults -> Appointment Types/Groups and when you Add/Edit one, it will have an option to allocate them to stores.

Sale Item Fulfilment

You can now set the Fulfilment for each sale item which allows you to decide how you are going to fulfil a specific sale item. For non-inventory product types (described above), fufil isn't required since it doesn't affect stock or needed to be ordered. For inventory items, you need to specify whether the item is being fulfilled from Stock or a Purchase Order:

Stock - Pulling from stock. It will adjust the stock quantity total if there is stock, and for multi-stores, it will adjust the chosen store stock quantity aswell.

Order - Ordering item in. If the item is not being oulled from stock, you can choose to order it in. You will then have the option toCreate Order Itemwhich will add the item to the Unordered items list for you to create a PO. If you don't use this, select NO, if you do, select Yes and then set the required dates.

N/A - Option for non-inventory items.


No new improvements

Save Template Whilst Editing

Previously when adding/editing a template, if you left the tab and then reopened, you would lose your changes. Now these changes are saved whilst the tab is open.

Merge Tag Improvement SMS

Previously when adding a merge tag to an SMS message, it would add it to the end of the Text. Now, it will add it where your cursor is OR at the end.


No new fixes

Sale Item discount

There were instances where the sale item discount was calculating incorrectly, this is now fixed.

Cache Clearing on Refresh

There were instances where the cache was getting too big and causing issues for users on certain devices. Now the cache is cleared and invalidated when reloading. Just head to the 3 dot menu next to the logo (where you logout) and click Refresh.